by CarenArt | Mar 21, 2020
Montage With Dot Pattern 36โ W x 50โ Hย $1080 Montage with Dot Pattern was inspired by visiting an exhibit of Andy Warhol works and my own love of patterns. I worked with multiple images in a more graphic arrangements than in the past, then created the repeat...
by CarenArt | Mar 21, 2020
Eclipse Natarajasana 31โ W x 54โ Hย $1080 Eclipse Natarajasana is a Yoga Expression and was inspired by witnessing an eclipse of the sun. I hope you find serenity from this painting and spread the joy of inner peace. No Results Found The page you requested...
by CarenArt | Mar 21, 2020
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana 31โ W x 54โ Hย $1080 Eka Pada Rajakapotasa is a Yoga Expression and was inspired by the peaceful open breathing of the King Pigeon pose. My practice does not quite measures up to this image! My personal yoga practice helps me feel more...
by CarenArt | Mar 21, 2020
Ancient Oak Tree Pose 43โ W x 58โ Hย $1080 The Ancient Oak Tree Pose is a Yoga Expression and was inspired by an ancient oak in San Felasco State Park, Florida. I hope you find serenity from this painting and spread the joy of inner...
by CarenArt | Mar 21, 2020
Fallen Angel Variation 48โ W x 38โ Hย $1080 Fallen Angel Variation was inspired by glancing at my yoga instructor, Victoria, during practice. For several weeks Iโd been sketching, searching for an inspirational pose for my next painting. I found myself in a...
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